Monday, April 30, 2007

Apologetics Part 3

Listen Here Apologetics Part 3

What is a Worldview?
A worldview is outlook or perspective of what the world is. The overall perspective from which one sees and interprets the world. The qualification for having a worldview is having a mind.Christian Worldview is: the Triune Sovereign God of scripture created the world and is now saving His people from this present fallen world through the prefect savior Jesus Christ.Non-Christian Worldview is: (a) man is an autonomous and free creature who must (b) merit life or his destiny. The unbeliever has his presuppositions also. i.e. Atheism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam (may not hold to (a)) etc.There is no neutralityAll the treasure of wisdom and knowledge are in Christ (Col 2:3)We are have sole alliance to Christ in everything we do (Col 3:17), including our reasoning (John 17:17) whoever is not for Christ is against Christ (Matt 12:30)Christian worldview alone gives the necessary preconditions for intelligibility:"Thus the Christian apologist may boldly assert that without an absolute personal being as the foundation of all things, there is no possibility of ethics. Without the ontological Trinity as the fount of all being, there is no possibility of unifying the particulars of human experience. Without the combined doctrines of the Trinity and man being God's image bearer there is no possibility of predication and thus language. Without the doctrine of God's sovereignty and providence there is not ground for inductive logic and science. Without a good and all-powerful God that creates both man and the natural realm there is not reason to believe that our senses are reliable. From these considerations it is clear why TAG is often described as an argument that proves the impossibility of the contrary. There is, at bottom, one non-Christian worldview and this worldview is easily reduced to absurdity." Taken from the absurdity of the non-Christian worldview:1.Show that all people have a worldview i.e. we all have value systems and judgments about the world.2. Show the unbeliever that he/she can’t account for reality as he/she knows it3. Show that unbeliever worldview is internally inconsistent, that their worldview has contradictions.4. Prove that everyone has a metaphysic i.e. even a materialist secretly believes in metaphysical realities i.e. laws of logic, laws of morality.5. In case of world religions show that may claim to have morality, logic etc, but they don’t have concrete worldview that can unify all these particulars.

Apologetics Part 2

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Schools of epistemology:- What is epistemology?the branch of philosophy that is directed toward theories of the sources, nature, and limits of knowledge.Schools of epistemology*Rationalism (Continental rationalism)in philosophy, a theory that holds that reason alone, unaided by experience, can arrive at basic truth regarding the world. Associated with rationalism is the doctrine of innate ideas and the method of logically deducing truths about the world from "self-evident" premises. Rationalism is opposed to empiricism on the question of the source of knowledge and the techniques for verification of knowledge.Baruch Spinoza monistRenĂ© Descartes dualistG. W. von Leibniz pluralist*Empiricism (British Empiricism)philosophical doctrine that all knowledge is derived from experience. For most empiricists, experience includes inner experience—reflection upon the mind and its operations—as well as sense perception. This position is opposed to rationalism in that it denies the existence of innate ideas. According to the empiricist, all ideas are derived from experience. Only particular exist.David Hume (Scottish) (no sensation of causation and substance) only habit of the mind.John Locke (English) The mind is a tabula rasa a blank slateGeorge Berkeley (Irish) subjective idealism (Only sense perceptions are true, God is the all perceiver)*Pragmatismmethod of philosophy in which the truth of a proposition is measured by its correspondence with experimental results and by its practical outcome. Thought is considered as simply an instrument for supporting the life aims of the human organism and has no real metaphysical significance. Pragmatism stands opposed to doctrines that hold that truth can be reached through deductive reasoning from a priori grounds and insists on the need for inductive investigation and constant empirical verification of hypotheses.*Skepticismphilosophic position holding that the possibility of knowledge is limited either because of the limitations of the mind or because of the inaccessibility of its object. It is more loosely used to denote any questioning attitude. Extreme skepticism holds that no knowledge is possible, but this is logically untenable since the statement contradicts itself.What is a transcendental argument? (Critical philosophy)*KantianismIn modern philosophy, Kant gave transcendental a new, third meaning in his theory of knowledge, concerned with the conditions of possibility of knowledge itself. For him it meant knowledge about our cognitive faculty with regard to how objects are possible a priori. "I call all knowledge transcendental if it is occupied, not with objects, but with the way that we can possibly know objects even before we experience them." (Critique of Pure Reason, A12) IOW An argument that seeks to find the necessary preconditions for the intelligibility of man’s experience.VantilianismCornelius Vantil said in defense of Christian epistemology “that we are to think God’s thoughts after Him” The infinite God is the eternal knower and we as His finite creatures can come to know facts that God already knows by way of general and special revelation.Vantil utilized the transcendental argument of Kantian philosophy for proving the existence of the Christian God; stating that the Christian worldview is the only transcendental that can give an account for meaningfulness of man’s experience. Therefore Christian is necessarily true because of the impossibility of the contrary.

Apologetics Part 1

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Methods of Apologetics:- Classic Apologetics: Natural Theology and Christian evidenceProponents: RC Sproul, Norman Geisler.Strengths: Strengthens faith of believersWeaknesses: Presupposes the rationality of reasoning; makes man the ultimate standard of truth; undermines the authority of God Word.Evidentialism: Christian evidence i.e. archeological, historicalProponents: Josh McDowell, Hank Hanegraaff.Strengths: proves the historicity of events, places, and people of the ScripturesWeaknesses: presupposes the reliability of empirical studies, makes man the ultimate standard of truth; undermines the authority of God Word.Presuppostionalism: Christian worldview is presupposed to be true.Proponents: Cornelius Vantil, Greg Bahnsen (transcendental presuppostionalism), Gordon Clark (rationalistic presuppostionalism, scriptualism) Francis Schaeffer (practical presuppostionalism)Strengths: Presents God and His Word as the ultimate authority; denies man his so called autonomy. Brings people immediately to the Triune God of Scripture.Weakens: rational presuppostionalism; is axiomatic and presupposes the authority of logic and reasoning. Experiential presuppostionalism is axiomatic in that it presupposes the reliability of our senses and experience. Transcendental presuppostionalism can be difficult to explain to people who are not used thinking transcendentally.Reformed epistemology: Basic belief in God is justified until proven otherwise.Proponents: Alvin Plantinga, Michael Sudduth.Strengths: can save time and effort in both evangelism and apologetics.Weaknesses: Only gives negative apologetics; is dogmatic; does not answer the skeptic; is too vague and puts itself in the same category as other mono-theistic religions i.e. Islam; can comes across as fideism

Covenant Theology Part 8a

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The Lord's day – Eschatological sign of the covenant:- What is the Lord’s day?The day when believers gather to commemorate Christ’s resurrection, which occurred on the first day of the week (Acts 2:42). Every day to the believer is one of Sabbath rest, since we have ceased from our spiritual labor and are resting in the salvation of the Lord (Hebrews 4:9-11).Reasons for the observance of the Lord’s day:1. The Sabbath is fulfilled and abrogated through by the finished work of Christ (The covenant works fulfilled, including the Decalogue) ( Col 2:16, Rom 10:4)2. Christ rises from the dead on the first day of the week (Matt 28:1)3. The disciples were together on the first day of the week (John 20:26)4. The New Testament church was born on the first day of the week (Act 2:1-4)5. The church in Acts came together on the first day of the week (Acts 20:7)6. The church in Corinthians came together on the first day of the week (1 Cor 16:1-2)7. The John was in the Spirit on the Lords day, the first day of the week(Rev 1:8)We therefore follow this approved example/pattern of coming together as the church on the first day of the week as the new creation in Christ (2 Cor 5:17). This is eschatological sign of the covenant, in that it reminds us of our guaranteed future sabbath rest in Glory/Heaven (Heb 4:9-11)
1st 1 (= Easter Sunday) To 10 disciples John 20:19f
2nd 8 (= 7 + 1st) To 11 disciples John 20:263rd? 15 (7 X 2 + 1st) To 7 disciples John 21:1-14
4th? 22 (7 X 2 + 1st) To 500 disciplesI Cor. 15:6
5th? 29 (7 X 4 + 1st) To all the apostles I Cor. 15:76th? 36 (7 X 5 + 1st) To the 11 disciples Matt. 28:16 40Ascension Acts 1:2-97th 43 (7 X 6 + 1st) None. Yet Sunday worship! Acts 1:14-158th 50 (7 X 7 + 1st) Pneumatophany Acts 2:1f(Taken from "The Covenantal Sabbath" - Dr. Francis Nigel Lee [Book])

Covenant Theology Part 8b

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Theonomy Pros and Cons:- What is Theonomy?The school of thought that believes scriptures teaches that the Law of God is two fold; moral/ceremonial, and that all moral aspects of the law are binding upon all societies today; including the judicial laws of the Old Testament with their penal sanctions.Pros of TheonomyPromotes the doctrine of Christ’s Ascension.Seeks to see Christ’s Lordship over every sphere and activity of life.Seek to have all human institutions governed by special revelation.Has an optimistic view of the future.Cons of Theonomy:Fails to see the unity of the Law (holy theocracy) (Heb 8:13-9:6).Fails to see Christ as the end of the Law of righteousness, including sanctification (Rom 10:4, Gal 3:24-25, Rom 7:1-6).Fails to see the typological nature of the Old Testament Kingdom, i.e. judicial law of Israel are theocratic in nature and foreshadows judgment day. (Heb 2:1-3, Heb 10:26-29).Fails to see the dissolving of the Old Covenant in AD70 through the finished work of Christ (Heb 8:13).Fails to distinguish between crimes and sins. All crime is sin but not all sin is crime.Solutions:Society is still obligated to govern itself according to special revelation (2 Tim 3:16). But that special revelation concerning ethical conduct is a confirmation of the works of law already written already on the hearts men (Rom 2:14) Therefore the state must have laws that punish crimes. (Rom 13:1-5) Crimes are law-breaking deeds against society. Punishment must therefore be commensurate to the crime. (Exodus 21:22-27)Examples of punishment for crimes:Murder is a capital offence because it’s the unlawful taking of someone’s life; therefore your debt to society is your own life. (Gen 9:6)Rape is to be treated as murder and is therefore a capital offense.(Deut 22:26)Theft is taken someone’s property or goods by force or without permission; therefore you pay back the sum total of what was stolen before re-entry into society (Matt 5:26)Examples of sins that are not crimes:Teaching false doctrine is a sin but not a crime, therefore direct punishment is delayed until judgment day. (Jude 10-13)Private or consenting sexual sins of adults are sins but not direct crimes against society and therefore direct punishment is delayed until judgment day. (Rom 1:32)Worship of idols is grievous sin but not a direct crime against society and therefore direct punishment is delayed until judgment day. (Rom 2:4-5)

Covenant Theology Part 7a

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Of the Sacraments/ordinances of the New Covenant:
1. Baptism is an ordinance of the New Testament, ordained by Jesus Christ, to be unto the party baptized, a sign of his fellowship with him, in his death and resurrection; of his being engrafted into him; of remission of sins; and of giving up into God, through Jesus Christ, to live and walk in newness of life. ( Romans 6:3-5; Colossians 2;12; Galatians 3:27; Mark 1:4; Acts 22:16; Romans 6:4 )2. Those who do actually profess repentance towards God, faith in, and obedience to, our Lord Jesus Christ, are the only proper subjects of this ordinance. ( Mark 16:16; Acts 8:36, 37; Acts 2:41; Acts 8:12; Acts 18:8 )3 The outward element to be used in this ordinance is water, wherein the party is to be baptized, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. ( Matthew 28:19, 20; Acts 8:38 )4 Immersion, or dipping of the person in water, is necessary to the due administration of this ordinance. ( Matthew 3:16; John 3:23 ) London Baptist confession 1689
1. The supper of the Lord Jesus was instituted by him the same night wherein he was betrayed, to be observed in his churches, unto the end of the world, for the perpetual remembrance, and shewing forth the sacrifice of himself in his death, confirmation of the faith of believers in all the benefits thereof, their spiritual nourishment, and growth in him, their further engagement in, and to all duties which they owe to him; and to be a bond and pledge of their communion with him, and with each other. ( 1 Corinthians 11:23-26; 1 Corinthians 10:16, 17,21 )2. In this ordinance Christ is not offered up to his Father, nor any real sacrifice made at all for remission of sin of the quick or dead, but only a memorial of that one offering up of himself by himself upon the cross, once for all; and a spiritual oblation of all possible praise unto God for the same. So that the popish sacrifice of the mass, as they call it, is most abominable, injurious to Christ's own sacrifice the alone propitiation for all the sins of the elect. ( Hebrews 9:25, 26, 28; 1 Corinthians 11:24; Matthew 26:26, 27 )3. The Lord Jesus hath, in this ordinance, appointed his ministers to pray, and bless the elements of bread and wine, and thereby to set them apart from a common to a holy use, and to take and break the bread; to take the cup, and, they communicating also themselves, to give both to the communicants. ( 1 Corinthians 11:23-26, etc. )4. The denial of the cup to the people, worshipping the elements, the lifting them up, or carrying them about for adoration, and reserving them for any pretended religious use, are all contrary to the nature of this ordinance, and to the institution of Christ. ( Matthew 26:26-28; Matthew 15:9; Exodus 20:4, 5 )5. The outward elements in this ordinance, duly set apart to the use ordained by Christ, have such relation to him crucified, as that truly, although in terms used figuratively, they are sometimes called by the names of the things they represent, to wit, the body and blood of Christ, albeit, in substance and nature, they still remain truly and only bread and wine, as they were before. ( 1 Corinthians 11:27; 1 Corinthians 11:26-28 )6. That doctrine which maintains a change of the substance of bread and wine, into the substance of Christ's body and blood, commonly called transubstantiation, by consecration of a priest, or by any other way, is repugnant not to Scripture alone, but even to common sense and reason, overthroweth the nature of the ordinance, and hath been, and is, the cause of manifold superstitions, yea, of gross idolatries. ( Acts 3:21; Luke 14:6, 39; 1 Corinthians 11:24, 25 )7. Worthy receivers, outwardly partaking of the visible elements in this ordinance, do then also inwardly by faith, really and indeed, yet not carnally and corporally, but spiritually receive, and feed upon Christ crucified, and all the benefits of his death; the body and blood of Christ being then not corporally or carnally, but spiritually present to the faith of believers in that ordinance, as the elements themselves are to their outward senses. ( 1 Corinthians 10:16; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 )8. All ignorant and ungodly persons, as they are unfit to enjoy communion with Christ, so are they unworthy of the Lord's table, and cannot, without great sin against him, while they remain such, partake of these holy mysteries, or be admitted thereunto; yea, whosoever shall receive unworthily, are guilty of the body and blood of the Lord, eating and drinking judgment to themselves. ( 2 Corinthians 6:14, 15; 1 Corinthians 11:29; Matthew 7:6 ) London Baptist confession 1689

Covenant Theology Part 7b

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Of the Law of Christ listen here
I. How de we define Law biblically.The Law is not the timeless moral will of God (whatever God demands of us)Rather, the Law is the Sinai covenant, given in the form of a typological republication of the Adamic covenant of works.II. CHRIST FULFILLS THE COVENANT OF WORKSChrist, as the Second Adam and the promise seed, fulfilled both the Covenant of Works and the Covenants of Promise (2 Cor 1:20, Eph 2:12, Gal 3:16,29)Christ is the end of the Law for righteousness. The end of the Law means fulfillment that abrogates. (Rom 10:4)III. ARE BELIEVERS UNDER THE LAW?Believers have been set free from the Law by means of their union with Christ in his death. The Law has jurisdiction over a person only as long as he is alive (Rom. 7:1; Gal. 2:19).Because we have died with Christ, we are "not under law" (Rom. 6:14-15; 7:4-6; 1 Cor. 9:20; Gal. 3:23-25; 4:4-5, 21; 5:18). This means we are free from its condemnation and from its commanding authorityIV. BELIEVERS ARE NOW UNDER THE LAW OF CHRISTThis freedom from the Law does not mean that believers have been set free from all ethical standards. We are not anomos but ennomos Christou, "under the Law of Christ" (1 Cor. 9:21; Gal. 6:2). Having died to the Law, we have been married to another (Rom. 7:4).This law is called also the New commandment (John 13:34), The royal law (James 2:8) charity (2 Peter 1:7) The great commandment (Matt 22:36)V. WHAT IS THE LAW OF CHRISTThe Law of Christ is not vague or nebulous. It has been revealed in the indicative and the imperative, which is given concrete expression in the ethical teaching of Jesus (e.g., the Sermon on the Mount) and in the apostolic exhortations to live in accordance with our union with Christ (e.g., Eph. 4-6; Col. 3, etc.).Although the Law of Christ is not identical with the Law of Moses, it does reach back to the Law of Moses in order to bring over those aspects of its teaching that are rooted in God's righteous nature and man's creation in God's image.VI. WHY IS THIS IMPORTANTIt’s the only way to walk in true victory and holiness (Rom 7:1-6)
For further study read Lee Irons paper here

Covenant Theology Part 6a

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Davidic Covenant Summary 1. Interenational Reputation “I will make you a great name” 2 Sam 7:9b2. Land Inheritance “I will also appoint a place for my people” 2 Sam 7:10a3. Descendants “I will raise up your descendants after you” 2 Sam 7:12b4. Sonship “I will be a father to him and he will be a son to me” 7:14a5. Intimate Relationship “My people” 7:7-8,10-11

Covenant Theology Part 6b

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Of the New Covenant:- The New Covenant is in Christ blood and is the final administration of the Covenant of Grace. The establishing the New Covenant abrogated the old and ushered in the age of the Spirit which began at Pentecost and will continue to the end of the age. Consequently the Covenant of Grace only now consists of elect person with the arrival of the eschatological Spirit promised in Joel. The Spirit now abides with God’s people to empower them to fulfill the great commission and the Law of Christ.

Covenant Theology part 5a

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Mosaic Covenant summary 1. PreambleDeuteronomy 1:1-52. Historical PrologueDeuteronomy 1:6 – 4: 493. Ethical StipulationsDeuteronomy 5:1 – 26:194. SanctionsDeuteronomy 27:1 -1 30:205. Succession ArrangementsDeuteronomy 31:1 – 34:12

Covenant Theology Part 5b

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Of the Davidic Covenant:- The Davidic Covenant is the final Old Testament administration of the Covenant of Grace. It promised that David seed would sit on the throne of Israel and fulfill the Covenant of works on behalf of the people. The covenant promised that upon full obedience to God the King would enter into the Melchizedek priesthood and intercede not only for the Jew but also for the Gentile.

Covenant Theology Part 4a

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Abrahamic summary:
Covenant call (Gen 12)Covenant ratification (Gen 15)Covenant administration (Gen 17)
Covenant confirmation (Gen 22)

Covenant Theology Part 4b

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Of the Mosaic Covenant
The Mosaic Covenant was made 430 after the promise to Abraham after the exodus of the Hebrews from the land of Egypt. This covenant although was a further administration of the Covenant of Grace and was it self a re-administration of the Covenant of Works to Israel as a Nation under God. The Covenant had sanctions and stipulations that allowed the Jews to remain in the land and to be a blessing to the gentile nations of the world as long as they were obedient to the commands of the covenant. Israel was the son of God like Adam and therefore received the blessings and responsibilities of keeping the covenant of works as a nation. During this epoch of redemptive history the individual Israelite was saved by believing the Covenant promise that was given to their forefather Abraham.

Covenant Theology Part 3a

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Of the Noahic Covenant:- Noah received the covenant promise as a descendent of Seth. He served as a priest, as a Son of God, in the days of great apostasy. Noah was a preacher of righteousness, but only him and his family was spared.The Noahic Covenant established after the flood is a further administration of the Covenant of Grace to Noah and his descendants that God would never destroy the world with a flood again. The sign of the covenant was the rainbow, the command was to be fruitful and multiply. Human Government is also instituted with the introduction of capital punishment.

Covenant Theology Part 3b

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Of the Abrahamic Covenant:
Abraham was the 1oth generation Shemite in an apostate age when the Shemites had began to worship the gods of the Hamites, and the Japethites. Abraham was called by God to leave the land of his nativity and to sojourn in to the land of Canaan so that he could posses it and become a great nation, through which the nations of the world would be blessed. The covenant promises were given to Abraham, and in Gen 15 and he believed God. The covenant sign of circumcision was given to him and his sons. It was to be a sign and seal that Abraham’s descendants would posses the land of Canaan and await the coming of the promise seed.

Covenant Theology Part 2a

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Of the Covenant of Redemption (pactum salutis) part 1 Introduction to Covenant of RedemptionThe Covenant of Redemption is defined as “The Father gives the Son to be Head and Redeemer of the elect; and the Son presents himself as a Sponsor or Surety for them.” This covenant is between God and the Mediator, not the elect and God. The elect simply reap the benefits of this agreement between God and the Mediator. John 17:3, Luke 22:28, Rom 5:12-24.The Covenant between the Father and the Son more fully explained.The Covenant of Redemption was made in eternity past before creation (1 Pet. 1:20; Prov. 8:23,; Eph. 1:4; John 17:6; Rev. 13:8). This was a voluntary covenant. The Son did not have to agree to the covenant. This is foundation for the Covenant of Grace. It had to be voluntary in order to make redemption a legal transaction.Of the Person of the Surety.The Person of the surety had to be a sinless man born of virgin (to avoid original sin) in order to fulfill the demands of the Law Gal 4:4 Matt 5:17 and to propitiate man’s sins Rom 3:25,5:6-11 Gal 3:13. The Surety had to be God in order to enter in to the covenant voluntarily and to be the Sponsor of the Covenant of Works.Of the Suretyship and Satisfaction of ChristIn order for Christ to expiate and propitiate the sins of the elect there needed to a vicarious substitution atonement. This involved the sins of the elect been imputed to Christ and then in turn having the wrath of God dues those sins placed on Him Isa 53:6-10, 1 Peter 2:23-24. He knew no sin became sin on our behalf 2Cor 5:21(Isa. 53:10; Matt. 20:18; John 10:15; 1 Pet. 3:18; Col. 1:21-22; Rom. 5:10; Heb. 9:15; Rom. 8:34).What Sufferings of Christ are Satisfactory.Christ active and passive obedience fully satisfies the demands of Law and to redeem the elect. He active obedience consisting of his sinless life and perfect love for the father, Matt 3:15, 5:17. His passive obedience consisting of the sufferings Christ, which include Gethsename, the floggings, and the Cross.Of the Efficacy of Christ's SatisfactionThe efficacy of Christ's satisfaction is twofold. First, Christ obtained for himself, as Mediator, a right to all of the elect (Ps. 2:8; Isa. 53:10). Christ obtained for the elect immunity from all misery and a right to eternal life to be applied to them (Matt. 26:28; Gal. 1:4; Tit. 2:14). Christ did not achieve a bare possibility of salvation but actual salvation for His elect. The idea of redemption, ransom and price of redemption infers the reality and not possibility of salvation. Scripture declares that the proximate effect of redemption is actual salvation (Rom. 3:24; Eph. 1:7; Col. 1:14; Heb. 9:12; 1 Cor. 6:20; Acts 20:28; Gal. 4:4-5). .Of the Necessity of Christ's Satisfaction.The following may be set forth as real and true arguments in favor of the necessity of Christ's satisfaction. First, an unnecessary satisfaction is contrary to the goodness, wisdom and holiness of God. Second, an unnecessary satisfaction mitigates against the Scripture's stress on the great love of God as demonstrated in the giving of his Son. Third, Christ's satisfaction was a declaration of the righteousness of God which cannot be overthrown (Rom. 3:25). Fourth, animal sacrifices could not atone for sin (Heb. 10:1,4,11) only the sacrifice of Christ could atone for sin. Fifth, Hebrews 10:26 infers that sacrifice is necessary for pardon. Sixth, the necessary satisfaction of Christ exalts the attributes of God. Seventh, the necessary satisfaction of Christ promotes Christian piety. Eighth, the necessary satisfaction of Christ does not detract from any of God's attributes.Of the Persons for whom Christ Engaged and Satisfied.There is ample Scriptural support for the doctrine of particular atonement. The "all" of 2 Cor. 5:15, Heb. 2:9, Col. 1:20, and 1 Tim. 2:6 is restricted to the elect, which means exegetical work is needful in order to understand the passages in question. The term "world" in such passages as 1 John 2:2 refers to "the collective body of believers or of the elect." Specifically, the Scripture says that Christ died for his sheep, his church, his people, and his peculiar people (cf. John 10:15; Acts 20:28; Eph. 5:25; Tit. 2:14).After what manner Christ used the SacramentsFor Christ, the sacraments were signs and seals of the covenant between God the Father and God the Son. It demonstrated the benefits of salvation for His church and that they were promised to Christ. As a result of these promises, Christ promised to faithfully redeem the elect.

Covenant Theology Part 2b

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The Covenant of Grace (fodues gratiae) :- Of the Adamic CovenantThe Adamic Covenant was the first administration of the Covenant of Grace beginning in Gen 3:15 also know as the protoevangelicum. This Covenant promised that the seed of the women (The Messiah) would destroy the work of the Serpent (the Devil). The covenant community began with Adam and his sons Cain and Abel who were priest as ministers to the first family in Eden. After the Death of Abel Seth became heir of the promise. His descendants became known as the sons of God and served as priests for the family of Seth.

Covenant Theology Part 1a

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Of Covenants in General:- Major Theme of Scripture: The Kingdom of God offered to man by way of covenant.Definition:Covenant is from the Hebrew [ber-eeth] meaning to cut, and by extension means a promise or pledge to do something. "It is an agreement upon the promises concerning the relationship between two or more parties. In Biblical terms the covenant is the prime agency of God's self-revelation in history. God reveals Himself to be the covenant God. The essence of the covenant between God and man is "I will be your God, and you will be My people."Covenant makeup:Historical prologueNew orderStipulationsSanctionsAdministrationsTreaty Between Equals - PARITY COVENANT (bi-lateral)A. Partners in the covenant are called brothers.B. Stipulations:1. Acknowledgment of mutual boundaries.2. Return of each others run away slaves.C. Biblical Examples:1. Midianite Treaty - Exodus 182. Between King David and King Hiram - 1 Kings 5:1ff3. Genesis 21:27; 26:31; 31: 44-54; 1 Kings 15:19; 20:32-34.Treaty Between a Great King and a Minor King - SUZERAIN or VASSAL COVENANT1. Preamble - This included the titles and attributes of the Great King and serves to introduce the document.2. Historical Prologue - Summary of the relationship between the two kings and their ancestors. Actual historical events are cited, especially those that were benevolent on the part of the Great King.3. Stipulations:A. Exclusive relationship between the two kingsB. Hostility prohibited against other vassals of the Great KingC. Help in time of war - both waysD. Slander against the Great King reportedE. Return runaway slavesF. Vassal to appear yearly to renew the covenant and pay his taxesG. The covenant is to be written down and placed in the temple of the vassalH. Covenant to be read periodically4. Blessings and CursesA. List of gods called to witness the documentB. Sometimes natural phenomena are also called as witnesses to the documentC. Curses go into effect if the covenant is broken and the Blessings if it is keptD. One of the blessings was usually a guarantee of the perpetual reign of the descendants of the vassal kingB. Biblical Examples:1. Gibeonite Treaty - Joshua 9-102. Covenant at Mt. Sinai - Exodus 20, Deuteronomy3. Davidic Covenant - 2 Samuel 74. Genesis 17:1ff; Ezekiel 17:13-18; Hosea 12:1.2 Kings 24:1, 1 Kings 17:3Treaty Between a King and a loyal servant - ROYAL GRANT COVENANTA. Royal Land Grants were given to a servant or subordinate for faithful or exceptional service to the king1. This type of covenant was usually perpetual with no specific conditions. It was, however, understood that the behavior of the heirs would continue to follow the original recipient's loyal example.2. Most covenants of this type contained the same kind of blessings and curses found in the Vassal Covenant with gods being called on as witnesses.B. Biblical Examples:1. Noahic Covenant - Genesis 9:8-172. Abrahamic Covenant - Genesis 15: 9-123. New Covenant - Jeremiah 31:31-444. Numbers 25:10-31; 1 Samuel 8:14; 22:7; 27:6; 2 Samuel 7:5-16; Esther 8:1.

Covenant Theology Part 1b

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Of the Covenant of Works (fodeus operum) Of the Contracting Parties in the Covenant of Works:God as the Suzerain King makes covenant with Adam the vassals servant. This covenant not only is non-negotiable on the part of Man (as represented by Adam) but it is essential to being the Image bearer of God. God enthroned Himself over creation and entered into His eternal Sabbath. The image bearer is to designed to obtain the same blessedness by the same means, that is work. Gen 1-2Of the Law or Condition of the Covenant of Works:The covenant was conditional Hos 6:7 The conditioned contained Adam keeping the law of the conscience Rom 2:15, not eating of the tree of Knowledge and taken dominion Gen 1:26-28Of the Promises of the Covenant of Works:The promise of eternal life was offered Man if he was to fulfill all the terms of the covenant. Eternal life is glorification. Glorification is abiding where God is enthroned over creation. This was represented by the tree life which served as a pledge of that future inheritance.Of the Penal Sanction:God threatens Adam with the curse of being under the wrath of God if he does not keep the terms of the Covenant Gen 2:15-17. This is represent with the tree of Knowledge.Of the Sacraments of the Covenant of Works:The Tree of Life is sacramental of eternal life. Access to this tree would have be granted to Adam upon confirmation of justification Rev 22:2,19. The Tree of Knowledge is sacramental of eternal damnation. Adam ate of this tree as and violates the Covenant of works.Of the First Sabbath:The first Sabbath is sacramental of the eternal Sabbath rest that man could one day enjoy if he had kept the Covenant of Works. It served as a reminder of that future inheritance.Of the Violation of the Covenant of Works on the part of Man:Adam by partaking of the Tree of Knowledge violated the Covenant Works; consequently placing himself and his posterity under the curse of God, resulting in amenity between man and God.Of the Abrogation of the Covenant of Works on the part of God:Although man, because of the transgression Adam, is now incapable of keeping the demands of the Covenant man is still obligated to keep the Covenant. The Covenant is a reflection of God’s immutable character therefore it is irrevocable.

Systematic Theology Part 11a

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Eschatology – The study of last thingsDefinition: The consummation of human history.Man’s purpose is eschatological. Adam pre fall was eschatological focused:- Order of human history pre-fall, Creation, Justification, Dominion, Glorification.- Order of human history post-fall Last Adam the first fruits and those that are His at His Coming. Eschatology predates Soteriology.Personal eschatologyDeath – The breath life ceases, the soul departs at death. 2 Cor 5:1-10,Intermediate state – Believers are immediately in the presence of God- Unbelievers are immediately judge in hades.- Both await resurrection on the last day.The different eschatological hermeneuticsFuturismPreterism (correct)HistoricismIdealism

Systematic Theology Part 11b

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Tribulation Past or Future? The tribulation in Christ’s generation Matt 24:34The Day Lord happened AD 70 1 Thess 5:2, 2 Thess 2:2, 2 Peter 3:10The Day of Christ did not. 1 Phillip 1:6,10The different views of the MillenniumAmillennialism (correct)PostmillennialismPremillennialismThe Eschatology yet future:The Second Coming of Christ 1 Cor 15, Acts 1:11, 1 Thess 4:16The Final Judgment (Judgment seat of Christ) John 5:29-30, Rev 20:6-12,The General Resurrection John 5:29-30, Acts 17:31, Acts 24:15The New Heavens and New Earth Rev 21

Systematic Theology Part 10a

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Definition: The AssemblyThose that have been redeemed by God in order to serve and worship Him, calling upon His name both individually and corporately this present evil age.
History of the church:Old Testament and the church under ageThe Sanctuary of God: Adam-Noah was Eden, Noah to Moses (None, but alter centered worship), Moses to David was the ark covenant and the tabernacle, David to Christ was the temple.New Testament and church in maturityChrist to Pentecost was Christ, Pentecost to Second Coming the cooperate body of Christ. Second Coming to endless eternity it will be the cosmos.The Inauguration of the New Testament Church:Pentecost the birth of New Testament of Church (see pneumatology)The three Marks of a true Church:Word, Sacrament and church disciplinePurpose of the Church:Exaltation/Worship: The regulative principle of worship, not the nominativeEdification: Believer gifts and love build up the churchEvangelization: To preach the gospel to ever creature

Systematic Theology part 10b

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The government of the Church:Different views:EpiscopalianismPresbyterianismCongregationalismPlurality of EldersOffices of the Church:Foundational/extraordinary office: Apostles, Prophets, EvangelistContinual/ordinary office: Pastor and Teacher/Elder, deacons, Missionaries (Apostolic/evangelistic)Qualification and duties of an Elder:1 Tim 3:1-8, Titus 1:5-9Qualifications and duties of a Deacon:1 Tim 3:9-12Means of Grace:WordMark 16:16-17, Matt 28:20, 1 Cor 1:17-23SacramentsLord’s supper I Cor 11:17-26, Baptism Matt 28:19, 1 Peter 3:20, Heb 8 (credo position)The Lord’s DayRev 1:10, Acts 20:7, Matt 28:1 The first day of the week.PrayerThe Lords Prayer, Submission, Worship to God. Rom 8:26 pray according to His Will.

Systematic Theology Part 9a

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What is salvation?To be delivered from one’s sins as fallen creature in Adam into the Kingdom of God with all of its benefits by the reconciliatory work of Christ.Plan of SalvationGod’s decreesSupralapsarianism or infralapsarianism?Covenant of Redemption (Heb 13:20)Overview of redemptive historyThe unity of the Covenant of Grace (Eph 2:12, 2 Cor 1:20):Adamic (Gen 3:15)Noahic (Gen 9:4)Abrahamic (Gen 12:1-3, Gen 15:6, Gen 17:1-11)Mosaic (Ex 24:6-8, Gal 3:23)Davidic (2 Sam 7:14)New Covenant (Heb 8:1-13)

Systematic Theology Part 9b

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Ordo Salutis:Election (1 Peter 1:2)Predestination (Rom 8:29, Eph 1:3-4)Gospel call (Matt 22:14)Effectual call (Matt 22:14)Regeneration (Titus 3:5, Eph 2:3)Repentance (Act 2:38 Heb 6:2)Justification (Gal 2:16-18)Adoption (Rom 8:14-16)Sealing of the Holy Spirit (Eph 1:13)Sanctification (2 Cor 7:1, 1 Thess 5:23)- Walking in the Spirit/the infilling of the Spirit Eph 5:17- By faith in Christ. Col 3:16

Systematic Theology Part 8b

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The coming of the Spirit and PentecostFulfillment of Joel (Act 2:16-18, John 7:39)The inauguration of the church (John 16:7-11)The birth of the body of Christ (John 14:16-18)Apostolic Sign and Wonders (Heb 2:3-4)The Holy Spirit in Salvation- regeneration (Titus 3:5)- sealing of the Spirit (Eph 2:13)- the baptism of the Spirit (1 Cor 12:13)- the infilling of the Spirit (Eph 5:18)- the Spirit will give life to our mortal bodies (Rom 8:11)The Holy Spirit todayThe cessation of the revelatory gifts/closing of the cannon (John 15:13, Jude 3)The on going work of the Spirit through Word and Sacrament (2 Tim 4:2, John 6:63)Prayer – in the Spirit/ the will of God (Jude 20, Rom 8:26,27)The Spirit interceding for the saints (Rom 8:26)

Systematic Theology Part 7a

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Christology - The study of the person and work of ChristChrist in eternity pastChrist is the eternal Son of God 1 John 4:9Christ creates the universe Col 1:15-17Christ in the Old TestamentNo man has seen the Father but the Son John 1:18Christophanies in the Old Testament – An appearance of Christ in human forme.g. Jacob wrestled with Christ Gen 32:24-30, The elders see Christ Exodus 24:9-12Christ was the Angel of the Lord - An appearance of Christ in human form in the role of a messenger.e.g. Gen 16:7-14,Abraham, Gen 21:17 to Hagar twice, Exodus 3:14, 23:20-21 to Moses, Numbers 22:21-35 Balaam, Joshua, Judges etcChrist’s incarnation and birthBy the power of the Spirit by means of a virgin: Isa 7:14, Matt 1:16-23, Luke 1:26-35. The purpose was to avoid original sin, he is the second man 1 Cor 15:47Christ the God man –Theo-anthropos, The Word became flesh and dwelt amongst us. John 1:14, in the one person Jesus Christ, made like his brothers in every way Heb 2:14. Kenotic theory hereticalWhy Christ had to be fully God and fully manGod to redeem and forgive sins i.e the covenant of redemptionMan to be our substitute in active and passive obedienceChrist’s secret yearsChrist as child, Christ at 12 in the temple, Christ growing in favor with God and man. Luke 2:41-52Christ’s public Years (the prophet)Christ baptism and anointing, Christ mission, to save His people from their sins Matt 1:21 Christ’s ministry and miracles in order to usher in the eternal Kingdom of God. He was The Prophet Acts 3:22-23

Systematic Theology Part 7b

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Christ’s passion and atonementThe vicarious penal substitutionary atonement John 1:29 The Lamb of GodPropitiation and expiation Rom 3:23-26, 1 John 2:2, Heb 2:17Forensic and reconciliatory 1 Cor 5:17-21 The Great ExchangeChrist’s ResurrectionChrist victory over the grave, the proof that His work was accepted by the Father1 Pet 3:1 Rom 1:4Christ’s Ascension (Priest and King)Christ enthronement as King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Eph 1:20-22, Rev 19:16) Entering the Priesthood in the order of Melchizedek Heb 5:5-6,7:21-23)The coming of the eschatological Spirit and the inauguration of the church Act 1:5-11Christ waiting for all His enemies to be made His footstool 1 Cor 15:25, Heb 10:13)Christ’s Second Coming and the Final Judgment of the worldChrist’s return will consummate the Kingdom Glorying both creation and the saints 1 Cor 15:20-28, Acts 1:11, 1 Thess 4:16-19, Rom 8,:20-24. An end to sin and death I Cor 15:54, Rev 21:4. The end of redemptive history.1 Cor 1:24Christ is the Judge of the ONE general resurrection of the dead John 5:25-29, Acts 17:31

Systematic Theology Part 6a

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Angelology – The study of AngelsThe creation of AngelsProbably 1st day of creation with heavenly habitation (Job 38:6,7)Innumerable with heavenly habitation (Heb 12:22) Non-corporeal, asexual, although with masculine qualities (Heb 1:14, Matt 22:30)Immaterial, but yet having locality as a (Gen 28:12, Dan 10:13)Celestial body – self conscious, volitional, moral (1 Pet 1:12, 1 Cor 15:40)Rank of AngelsMichael the Archangel (Jude 9)Seraphim, Cherubim (probably one and the same) Isa 6:3, Eze 10:1Seen on the curtain of the tabernacle (Ex 25:17-22) and in heaven (Rev 5:11)Thrones, Dominions, Principalities and Powers (Col 1:16)Purpose of AngelsFor God’s Glory – To display God’s Kingship in the heavens (Col 1:16)To worship God (Heb 12:22 Rev 5:11)To do God’s will (Matt 18:10 Ps 103:21)Messengers (hence Angelos, Greek for messengers) i.e. Gabriel at Christ’s birth (Luke 1:19, 26), angels at the tomb (Matt 28:1-6, Luke 24:4, John 20:12).Made morally upright – but not yet confirmed in righteousness (Jude 6, 2 Pet 2:4)A under a type of covenant of works (1 Peter 1:12, Eph 3:10)

Systematic Theology Part 6b

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Demonology – the study Satan and His DemonsThe origins of DemonsNon-elect angels (2 Peter 2:4)Satan led rebellion in Heaven Rev 12– 1/3 of the angels fell. (Fallen Angels)The activity of Satan and His DemonsTo stop the cross/gospel (Matt 16:18)To fulfill the will of Satan (Rev Matt 25:41)To blind the minds of the reprobate (2 Cor 4:4)To deceiving people into believing lies. (1 Tim 4:1)To torment by means of possession (Matt 12:43-45,17:15)Demon possessionOnly possible by God’s permission – Job 1:12A tool/instrument of God, in judging fallen Humanity Rev 9:4, 1 Sam 16:14Supernatural in nature. Ability to control and torment victimsThe casting out of Demons was public, immediate and by the authority of Christ.The defeat and future of Satan and his demonsSatan and His demons defeated at the cross, chained in the abyss. 2 Pet 2:4, Col 2:15There activity restrained/ no longer able to deceive the nations. (Rev 20:3-5)Destined for the lake of fire/eternal punishment. (Matt 25:41)Spiritual warfare and the present activity of Satan (Eph 6:11-18)Satan was defeated at the cross but…he still has the power to deceiveBelievers have to put on the full armor God:“Helmet” of salvation, “breast plate” of righteousness, “belt” of truth, “shield” of faith, “sword” of the spirit and the “shoes” of the gospel.Resist Satan and he will flee from, this is done by looking to the promise.

Systematic Theology Part 5a

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What is sin?Hamartia - to miss the markParabasis - to transgressAnomia - lawlessnessSin is the depravation of good.How is sin in the Cosmos?Satan rebellion in heaven Isa 14:13 Rev 12:8Adam as Federal head transgresses in the gardenFree Will?Adam’s will in the garden before the fall was morally upright.Adam choice is self-determinedGod had decreed Adam’s choiceTheodicy – God means for good, man means for evil, giving a sufficient moral reason for sin in the Universe known at least to GodImputed sinSin is credited to every individual Rom 5:12-24Adam sin becomes our sin; personally held responsible by way of imputation.

Systematic Theology Part 5b

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Original SinA Sinful nature inherited from Adam. Eph 2:3, Psa 51Enslaved to sin John 8 Result – Total depravityMan’s choices outside of God’s Grace are inherently sinful and can not please Him.Sin effects every part of man i.e. his mind, his affections, desires, worldview etcGod’s Judgment on SinMan’s sinful choices compounds their judgment rather then alleviateGod is infinitely holy and loves His Holy Name/Glory above all and most be vindicated.Therefore God’s wrath is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness by giving people over to their sins. Rom 1:18-20 in order to demonstrate His power Rom 9:22

Systematic Theology Part 4a

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Anthropology – The study of manMan’s creationFrom the dust of the ground Genesis 2:7 – finite therefore never can be GodMan made the image of God Genesis 1:26 – Difference roles for male and female. Complementarianism not egalitarianism 1 Cor 11:3Adam was the first man; Eve was the first women – Able to procreate, as the Imago DeiMan’s constitutionDichotomy Trichotomy - sub biblicalMan became a living soul (not received) - Soul is not a part of man – soul is manOne creative act – not two stage processLife imagerySpirit – life image centered in breathSoul – life image centered in bloodHeart - Inner life, center (emotion, will, thought)Mind Romans 11:34 – God has a mind (1 Corinthians 2:16) Luke 24:45 – focus upon thought, reason, rational faculty

Sytematic Theology Part 4b

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Man’s capabilities and purposeMan as a covenant creature, Adam as Federal Head of human race- Covenant of Works, Covenant is a divine oath (Hosea 6:7) Man to take dominion as the Image of GodThe Eschatology of the Image– Man Promised glorified life upon obedience, eternal death upon disobedienceWorks of the Covenant upon the conscience (Rom 2:14)

Sytematic Theology Part 3a

Theology Proper (Who is God?) Listen here
Theology Proper - the study of the nature and person of God
God’s ontologySpirit – invisible John 4:24, 1 Tim 1:17Triune –Personal Matt 28:19, 2 Cor 13:12Perfect –most wise, most righteous 1 Tim 1:17, Rom 11:33-36Infinite – self-existing therefore incomprehensible Isa 55:9Non communicable attributes (infinite attributes)Omnipotent - Sovereign Jer 32:17-19, Ps. 115:3, Ps. 135:6, Isa. 46:10Omnipresent – yet both transcendent and immanent Jer. 23:24, 1 Kings 8:27, Col. 1:16-17; Acts 17:28Omniscient Ps. 139:1-4 1 John 3:20Immutable Mal 3:6, Jam 1:17Impassable Jam 1:17

Sytematic thelogy part 3b

Sytematic thelogy part 3b Listen here
Communicable attributes (moral attributes)Holy Isa 6:3 – Love 1 John 4:16 Good Nahum 1:7, Just Rom 3:25, Merciful Psa 118, Titus 3:4-5

Systematic Theology Part 2

Bibliology (What is the bible?) listen here

Bibliology - The Doctrine of the Written WordWhat is the Bible? – The revelation of God to man that has been inscripturatedWhat is the revelation from God? – The disclosure and unveiling of propositional divine truth.How did this process take place? – Through word of prophecy or direct communication from God at certain times in redemptive historyWhat is prophecy– The communication of God’s thoughts through man by the supernatural means of the Holy Spirit; hence Verbal PlenaryThe Bible’s:Necessity,Inspiration,Authority,Sufficiency,Perspicuityand Finality

Systematic Theology Part 1

The prologomena (Introduction to the bible) Listen here

Prolegomena – First wordDefinition of Systematic Theology – the categorization of topical biblical truth.Why is it needed?So that one can have true conclusions on whom God is and what He has doneOn what authority can we systematize?Scripture 2 Tim 2:14, 2 Peter 1:20Subject – Theology is about God and His relationship with His CreationSources – Sola Scriptura – The final authority is the bible, but other sources are beneficial. i.e Church Teacher, Seminary School, Theological BooksWhat are means, method and process of Systematizing Theology?The Bible: precondition is epistemologyEXEGETICS : precondition HermeneuticsBiblical Theology : precondition is redemptive historySYSTEMATICS : precondition is Historical TheologySystematic Theology must be:Comprehensive – covers all the main teachings of scriptureCoherent –teachings to be interrelatedContextual – Applicable to the modern day